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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 5, pp. 1019-1274

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Hybrid Multifluid Algorithms

Smadar Karni

pp. 1019-1039

A Parallel Implementation of the $p$-Version of the Finite Element Method

Yimin Zhu and I. Norman Katz

pp. 1040-1067

Multigrid Methods for Symmetric Positive Definite Block Toeplitz Matrices with Nonnegative Generating Functions

Giuseppe Fiorentino and Stefano Serra

pp. 1068-1081

Defect Correction for Convection-Dominated Flow

Wilhelm Heinrichs

pp. 1082-1091

A Model Numerical Scheme for the Propagation of phase Transitions in Solids

Bernardo Cockburn and Huiing Gau

pp. 1092-1121

A Two-Timensional Composite Grid Numerical Model Based on the Reduced System for Oceanography

Y. F. Xie, G. L. Browning, and G. Chesshire

pp. 1122-1134

A Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for the Conjugate Gradient Method

Michele Benzi, Carl D. Meyer, and Miroslav Tuma

pp. 1135-1149

Accuracy of the Discrete Fourier Transform and the Fast Fourier Transform

James C. Schatzman

pp. 1150-1166

Computing the Extremal Positive Definite Solutions of a Matrix Equation

Xingzhi Zhan

pp. 1167-1174

A Schwarz Alternating Procedure for Singular Perturbation Problems

Marc Garbey

pp. 1175-1201

An Investigation of Interior-Point Algorithms for the Linear Transportation Problem

L. Portugal, F. Bastos, J. Júdice, J. Paixão, and T. Terlaky

pp. 1202-1223

Computation of the Noncentral Gamma Distribution

L. Knüsel and B. Bablok

pp. 1224-1231

Locating and Computing All the Simple Roots and Extrema of a Function

Dimitris J. Kavvadias and Michael N. Vrahatis

pp. 1232-1248

On Weak Residual Error Estimation

Jinn-Liang Liu

pp. 1249-1268

Preconditioning Complicated Finite Elements by Simple Finite Elements

Susanne C. Brenner

pp. 1269-1274